Animal Farm by George Orwell


George Orwell  is one of the most famous novelists  in the 18th century. He was born in India in 1903. Though he was born in India, he  always called as English novelist during his lifetime. He criticized some of mayor political movements of his time such as Imperialism, Fascism and Communism.
I believe that he wrote these kind of monuments in order to create conscious societies but Animal Farm used by America during the Cold War against USSR.
 When he was studying at Eton college, his family didn't have enough money to pay for university expenses. That's Why, he joined India Imperial Police Force in 1922. After he continued five years as a police inspector, he resigned due to imperialist administration. Then, he went London to compose books that would shake the world.

The animals that live in a farm, rebel against the landlord who exploits them. Following days, animals took over management so as to live better. Although in the beginning everything was terrific, pigs establish more brutal dictatorship than people.

Most of us think that George Orwell criticizes just communism,but this isn't the case.
I can actually prove this idea with last scene.
When the animals looked at the room where pigs and people ate their food, the animals described both people and pigs that they wouldn't differ from each other. That's Why, both lmperialism and Facism are criticized including Communism. When somebody reads this book, lt is too hard not to feel sad. It isn't so vital wherever live us. Almost people of the every country has these kind of pigs in their homeland.

From the Orwell's point of view, we realize that he wrote this novel so cleverly. During the reading, the form of the flag of the animals caught my attention. Because they composed their flag's with horn and hoof, I likened  this flag of the USSR.

To conclude, this book should be among the books that should be read in every education system.


  1. Never have i read such a excellent comment about this book before. (◕ᴗ◕✿)

  2. Thanks bro 🙋🏻‍♂️


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