Effects of Norse Mythology on Harry Potter
Effects of Norse Mythology on Harry Potter The place of Norse Mythology is quite vital in English Literature. In addition, some of the Norse mythological both characters and events might be seen in the Harry Potter which is written by J.K. Rowling. This novel includes many same both characters and events such as resemblance of Odin and Dumbledore, Fenrir and Greyback, dwarves and many same events. At the end of the series appears quite similar to Ragnarok and the world's of these two events are also similar These worlds (Midgard-Hogwarts) burn a new world and emerge from wrecks of the great serpent Firstly, when somebody thinks of the Dumbledore, It is too hard not to think Odin that is norse god. It isn't coincidence that too much alike how Odin described as white hair, tall, old and with white beard. Actually, Dumbledore is greedy for knowledge and wisdom, the way...