
My Sweat Orange Tree - Jose Mauro De Vasconcelos

                   My Sweat Orange Tree Love is not always a feeling for the opposite gender. My Sweat Orange Tree is one of the greatest books which figures out this sentence wonderfully. This unique book which is written by Jose Mauro De Vasconcelos, narrates a young boy who discovers the real pain.               Jose Mauro De Vasconcelos He was born in Brazil. He was half Portuguese and half Amerindian man. When we take a look into the his life, we can run into many odd decisions in his life. After Jose Mauro De Vasconcelos studied medicine two years, he went to Rio De Jenerio so as to create new life. Then, he worked as a box trainer for two years in this city. He was also interested in agriculture an animal husbandry. I think, engaging these kind of jobs makes him competent in his author life. Vasconcelos also stated that  he wrote My Sweat Orange Tree is in 12 days. L...

Effects of Norse Mythology on Harry Potter

                                Effects of Norse Mythology on Harry Potter The place of Norse Mythology is quite vital in English Literature. In addition, some of the Norse mythological both characters and events might be seen in the Harry Potter which is written by J.K. Rowling. This novel includes many same both characters and events such as resemblance of Odin and Dumbledore, Fenrir and Greyback, dwarves and many same events.  At the end of the series appears quite similar to Ragnarok and the world's of these two events are also similar These worlds (Midgard-Hogwarts) burn a new world and emerge from wrecks of the great serpent Firstly, when somebody thinks of the Dumbledore, It is too hard not to think Odin that is norse god. It isn't coincidence that too much alike how Odin described as white hair, tall, old and with white beard. Actually, Dumbledore is greedy for knowledge and wisdom, the way...

Animal Farm by George Orwell

                  George Orwell  is one of the most famous novelists  in the 18th century. He was born in India in 1903. Though he was born in India, he  always called as English novelist during his lifetime. He criticized some of mayor political movements of his time such as Imperialism, Fascism and Communism. I believe that he wrote these kind of monuments in order to create conscious societies but Animal Farm used by America during the Cold War against USSR.  When he was studying at Eton college, his family didn't have enough money to pay for university expenses. That's Why, he joined India Imperial Police Force in 1922. After he continued five years as a police inspector, he resigned due to imperialist administration. Then, he went London to compose books that would shake the world.                                    ...


                       RED BRICK UNIVERSITIES British education system has a strong reputation in the worldwide especially Unıversıtıes.  There are four types of Unıversıtıes. - Birmingham - Bristol - Liverpool - Leeds - Sheffield - Manchester So, why are these universities called as Red-brick? If you have ever looked into studying at university in the UK, you have probably come across the term of the Red-brick. In the 19. Century Britain was undergoing vital changes as a result of the Industrial Revolution. In the large industrial cities, there was an urgent need for a workforce with technical and scientific skills. This led to private education system. For example Manchester Mechanic Institute was established for this reason in 1824.These kind of institutions were increadebly successful and became centre of the knowledge an research during the Victorian Area. Lastly many of these institutions featured...

Criticism between My Fair Lady and Pygmalion

                                    ln Greek mythology, Pygmalion was a carved statue of a beautiful woman outside of ivory.Pygmalion is a play by George Bernard Shaw, named after a Greek mythological figure.The statue was so beautiful that Pygmalion fell in love with her. The symbolism of the play is about Henry Higgins falling in love with his own creation.My Fair Lady and Pygmalion describe love in the Greek mythology.But both of them  ended differently. The tone of "Pygmalion" is darker and more realistic than that of "My Fair Lady," which is a work of fantasy composed in a light and comedic style. ln my fair lady, film is very loyal to Shaw's play, and even the characters sometimes repeat lines from the game. But of course I have to say that there are many points that he left in the play in tons. One of the biggest differences is the fact that the film is a musical, with a lot of ...

Interesting Facts in The Pianist by Roman Polanski-2. World War,Adrien Brody

                                                    Most of us have watched the Pianist, an unforgettable movie that everyone knows. It is a kind of  movie that realistically describes the saddest traces of a war on human.In my opinion, the movie is strong enough to prevent the third world war. The film shortly tells the painful situation of Jews who were persecuted by troops of Hitler during the World War II. This film, which received most of the awards in its period, was created by Roman Polanski. In addition, there is also a book which is written by Wladyslaw Szpilman who really lived all of this troubles. In the film Adrien Brody who is an actor,plays wonderful to Szpilman's character. It is also necessary to mention Adrian Brody's extraordinary acting. Do you know that Adrian Brody had to lose 15 kilogrammes to play in the film?  As a ...

Existentialism and Jean Paul Sartre

                           Jean Paul Sartre                                                           In this article, the French philosopher-writer Jean Paul Sartre and his existentialism are figured out. Jean Paul Sartre was born in Paris in 1905. He worked as a teacher for a while at the beginning of the second World War. He also reviewed lots of literary works with his best friend, Gustave Flaubert. During the second world War he joined the war as a soldier. After short time, he was captured by Soviet army. Interestingly, due to his captivity he felt intimacy to the Soviet communism. To give example his political magazine is the best sample to prove this situation, and this political magazine is known as Les Temps Modernes. Also, he has popular books...